In today's update we've added a number of new merge fields, changed the default filter for "Project Contracts", made the purchasers ABN and ACN editable on the Sales Schedule and given you more functionality around "Contract Elements" - including the ability to archive them.
New Merge Fields
We've added a dedicated merge field section for "Guarantors" and added a number of new guarantor merge fields, including:
Guarantor Name, Phone, Email
Guarantor Name
Guarantor Address
Guarantor Email
Guarantor Phone
We've also added a new purchaser merge "block" for:
Purchaser's Name, Address, Phone, Email
This new merge block formats as:
Purchaser's name
Phone, Email
Contract Elements
We've made "Contract Elements" easier to work with by adding the following features:
Search/filter contract elements by name
Archive old contract elements
See how many contracts each element has been used in
Editable ABN/ACN
The purchasers "ABN" and "ACN" fields are now editable on exchanged contracts.
Default Filter Change
We've tweaked the default 'project contracts' filter so it doesn't show archived, cancelled, rejected or rescinded contracts by default.