Today's update introduces a new "Email Campaigns" feature that will change the way you communicate with parties to your projects - we also managed to cram a number of other awesome features in too! Here are the highlights:
Email Campaigns: A new feature that allows you to send bulk emails to purchasers, vendors and agents. Use this to send updates about your projects and track delivery, open and bounce rates.
A new "Lots" screen: A complete revamp of the Lots screen adds a "Notes" feature and allows you to add lot specific "Additional Pages" that are automatically added when a contract is created for that Lot.
Turn off "POA" signing: We've added a new contract workflow that turns off the option for vendors to return a contract to be signed by you under power of attorney.
POA email enhancement: If you're signing under power of attorney, clicking the "Open Contract" button in the email will take you directly to the contract signing screen without having to navigate through the OPEX dashboard.
Return to Draft: Agent users can now return a contract to draft even if a purchaser has signed it (but if not if a vendor has signed).
Multiple developers per project: When creating a new project you can now assign multiple "Property Development" companies to provide better, more controlled collaboration between developers.
Email Campaigns
Send emails from OPEX to purchasers, their solicitors, vendors and vendor agents
Type a hash (“#”) when writing your email to insert merge fields as you type (or select them from the merge fields list, just like creating a contract element)
Upload a logo in “Project Settings” to brand your project emails
Add attachments
See who received AND opened the email!
Reports on bounce and open rates
Search, filter and export recipients
And more!

New Lots Screen
The “Lots” screen for Projects has been completely redesigned
You can now attach lot specific “Additional Pages” that will be automatically inserted to contracts created for that Lot
Export the list of lots, including their prices, number of bedrooms and status (Exchanged, Under Contract etc)
See the status of any contracts against a Lot, including rescinded contracts
Add notes to Lots

Turn off "POA Signing
A new “auto process” setting allows you to completely turn off the “Sign under POA” function for a Vendor
When turned on, the “Sign under POA” button is not available so the Vendor can’t accidently instruct you to sign under POA